Improve with TriDot Triathlon Coaching

Naples Area Triathletes is excited to announce our new partnership with TriDot Triathlon Coaching.

If you are like most of us, you know you need to work out, but you lack motivation.
Or your workouts aren’t structured, and you don’t seem to progress or get stronger or faster.

TriDot Triathlon Coaching comes to Naples Area Triathletes

Or maybe you are one of our newer athletes who doesn’t know where to start your fitness journey.
And, maybe you would like some help, but you don’t need a coach, but it would be nice to be more motivated and on a track to better your fitness.

TriDot offers all our triathlon club members a free two-week trial on its coaching platform. The trial is a great way to see if a more structured approach to your fitness is something that would benefit you as an athlete. After your two-week trial, programs start at around $29 a month.

Check out TriDot Triathlon Coaching Now

What is TriDot Triathlon Coaching

TriDot is a platform that provides Optimized Triathlon Training® for triathletes. Its patent-pending technology uses each athlete’s biometrics and training data, big data, and artificial intelligence to design and optimize training—with or without a coach.
TriDot uses big data and artificial intelligence to “optimize” your training delivering 3x more training benefits than other training options in up to 25% less training time and with significantly lower injury risk.
TriDot is a performance science division of Predictive Fitness. TriDot leverages its proprietary, patent-pending Sight™ technology based on ongoing research.

Another cool feature of TriDot Triathlon Coaching is its affiliation with RaceX.

With RaceX, you get the following:

Optimal Pacing for Your Fastest Possible Race Times
Precise Race Time (Split) Predictions
Exportable Bike Power Plan for Race Day
Race-Specific Race Rehearsals
Hydration & Nutrition Planning Tools
Bike Equipment/Setup Impact Analysis
Virtual Race Optimization

How I get started on TriDot Triathlon Training

Starting at $29 a month, you will experience the power of TriDot’s AI coaching while also receiving personalized support and feedback (please choose Laurie Rose from the dropdown coach menu). Joining our group mentorship program will give you the direction your training needs to empower you to succeed, and you will benefit from the feeling of community.

Check out the TriDot Triathlon Training Platform Now

Check out NATS group training sessions too.

If you are looking for one on one coaching, check out Coach Laurie Rose at Train.Love.Triathlon

Triathlon training for your first race

How to start training for your first triathlon race

Triathlon training in Naples FL

Are you looking to participate in your first triathlon? Maybe you have done a few triathlon races and are looking for a little more guidance and training.

Group training can be a great way to train with other people in a safe, friendly environment. You will meet and train with others with the same goals. This can help get you to the start line more confidently; plus, you will see friendly faces at your race. This can help those pre-race jitters.

TriDot offers all our triathlon club members a free two-week trial on its coaching platform. The trial is a great way to see if a more structured approach to your fitness is something that would benefit you as an athlete. After your two-week trial, programs start at around $15 a month.

Check out TriDot Triathlon Coaching Now

What is TriDot?
TriDot is a platform that provides Optimized Triathlon Training® for triathletes. Its patent-pending technology uses each athlete’s biometrics and training data, big data, and artificial intelligence to design and optimize training—with or without a coach.
TriDot uses big data and artificial intelligence to “optimize” your training delivering 3x more training benefits than other training options in up to 25% less training time and with significantly lower injury risk.
TriDot is a performance science division of Predictive Fitness. TriDot leverages its proprietary, patent-pending Sight™ technology based on ongoing research.

Another cool feature of TriDot Triathlon Coaching is its affiliation with RaceX.

With RaceX, you get the following:

Optimal Pacing for Your Fastest Possible Race Times
Precise Race Time (Split) Predictions
Exportable Bike Power Plan for Race Day
Race-Specific Race Rehearsals
Hydration & Nutrition Planning Tools
Bike Equipment/Setup Impact Analysis
Virtual Race Optimization

Check out the TriDot Triathlon Training Platform Now

Check out NATS group training sessions too.

If you are looking for one on one coaching, check out Train.Love.Triathlon

Please contact us for more information, including our new mentor program:

Naples Fitness Challenge Race Discount

Naples Fitness Challenge
Some of our NATS member in transition at the Naples Fitness Challenge

Naples Area Triathletes are excited to announce our club discount for The Naples Fitness Challenge. Y Not Tri is offering our tri club members a race discount until May 1, 2019. The triathlon race is on Sunday, June 2nd. And it will be the 33rd year for this event!

The Naples Fitness Challenge is our only hometown triathlon race, and as such, we expect a large turnout from our members. We also invite you to volunteer if you will not be racing.

This is the second year the Naples Fitness Challenge will be offering two different distance triathlon races. The sprint race will be a reverse triathlon, as the swim will be the last portion of the race. The longer Olympic distance will be a traditional race, with a swim start. Make sure you check out their website for complete race information. You can register for this race here.

We want to thank Y Not Tri (Linda Gregory) for extending a discount to our triathlon club members. We hope you take advantage of these savings. Watch your email, as members will receive the code shortly. Please make sure you do not share this code with non-members.

Other race discounts include MultiRace events and Game On Events.

Check out pictures from last year’s event.

Not sure you are a current member? Check your membership status here.

New Race Discount for NATs members

Game On Triathlon Race

Naples Area Triathletes are excited to announce our new partnership with Game On Race Events.  They are offering our tri club members a race discount. Game On Race Events holds several triathlon races on the east coast of Florida as well as new events on the west coast of Florida.

For our members who are a little more adventurous, Game On Race Events has a bike trail event series.

Game on Race Events is offering our club members 10% off all of their events. Make sure you check out their website for all triathlon race dates and location venues.

We want to thank Game On Race Events for extending a discount to our triathlon club members. We hope you take advantage of these savings. Watch your email, as members will receive the code shortly. Please make sure you do not share this code with non-members.

Other race discounts include MultiRace events.

Not sure you are a current member? Check your membership status here.

Zealios Valentine’s Sale

Zealios Valentine Sale

Any team members who place an order today thru 2/15 will receive 4 FREE Betwixt pocket packets!

Reminder: use your team code at checkout!

Let's Shop

Meet the new Board of Director member

Board of Directors

The NATs board is excited to welcome our newest member to join our board of directors, Judy Keator. We feel she is going to bring new and refreshing ideas to our triathlon club.

Judy Keator

Judy Keator recently relocated to Naples from the Boston area where she served on the board of a very active triathlon club.  After participating in her first sprint triathlon around 8 years ago, she quickly fell in love with the sport.   The personal challenge and great friendships you develop with triathlon was a big draw.  She hopes to bring some of her New England triathlon club experience to NATS and is looking forward to meeting everyone.

In addition to triathlon, Judy can be found golfing, diving and hiking with her dogs. 

We thank Judy for offering her time to help the club.

Would you be willing to help as well? We will need volunteers for upcoming events. Let us know if you are willing to help us too.

Looking for a workout partner??

Naples Area Triathletes - Tri Club
Some of the Naples Area Triathlete members

Ever have a workout and want company? Don’t have any idea how to find someone who might want to join you? Check out Naples Area Triathletes’s closed forum on Facebook. NATS closed forum page is a great way to reach out to other members. You can post questions about triathlon training, races and more. Click here to visit the forum page.

2019 Member Only Discounts


All members should receive an email on Wednesday, January 30th containing this year’s members-only discount codes. If you do not receive an email, please check to see if your membership is current.

If you have business and would like to extend a discount to our members, please let us know.

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2019. We are looking forward to a great year. We are currently redesigning our website. Make sure you get the latest information from the club by signing up for our emails.

Please join our email list.